Natural Black Note Cigar Blend 60ml
Discover Black Note unique Cigar Blend, a perfect harmony of robustness and earthy intensity. Grown in tropical climates and dark air-cured, this blend offers a range of flavors, from sweet to spicy, all with a smoky undertone. Delight in a premium, natural, and clean cigar blend in liquid form that’s pleasant, aromatic and unforgettable. Perfect for those who crave the depth of traditional cigar flavors!
Robust Cigar Tobacco
The robustness of cigar tobacco is the cornerstone of Black Note Cigar Blend. This tobacco is grown in moist, tropical climates and air-cured in the darkness, capturing all of the unique flavors and aromas of the tobacco. The natural sweetness of this tobacco is balanced by a subtle spiciness, creating a full-bodied flavor. The smoky undertones of this blend add depth, making it a perfect choice for those who enjoy traditional cigar flavors.
Earthly Intensity of Kentucky Tobacco
The earthy intensity of Kentucky tobacco rounds out the blend. Grown in the United States, this tobacco has a unique flavor profile, adding a hint of sweetness and a subtle smokiness. Kentucky tobacco is known for its bold flavor and full body, making it the perfect complement to the robustness of the cigar tobacco.
Premium, Natural, and Clean Cigar Blend
Experience a premium, natural, and clean cigar blend in liquid form that’s pleasant, aromatic and memorable. Black Note Cigar Blend is free from artificial preservatives, additives, and sweeteners, making it an ideal choice for those who prefer a pure and natural flavor. Enjoy this blend and savor the unique combination of robust cigar tobacco and the earthy intensity of Kentucky tobacco.
- Rich, smoky undertones
- A symphony of flavors from slightly sweet to mildly spicy
- Natural, clean and pleasant aroma
- Premium quality tobacco blend
- Grown in moist, tropical climates and dark air-cured
- Earthy intensity of Kentucky tobacco
- Robustness of cigar tobacco
Enjoy a Premium, Natural, and Clean Cigar Blend in Liquid Form
Black Note Cigar Blend is offered in liquid form, making it easier to enjoy the taste of a premium cigar without the mess and hassle. This liquid form of the blend is both pleasant and aromatic, making it a memorable experience for all who indulge. The blend is also natural and clean, meaning it does not contain any artificial ingredients or additives.
Experience a Symphony of Flavors
The blend of robust cigar tobacco and earthy Kentucky tobacco creates a symphony of flavors. These flavors range from sweet to spicy, and all are balanced with smoky undertones. The combination of these flavors creates an intense and complex flavor profile that is sure to please even the most seasoned cigar enthusiasts.
A Pleasant and Memorable Experience
Black Note Cigar Blend offers a pleasant and memorable experience for those who appreciate the depth of traditional cigar flavors. The blend is natural and clean, and it has a unique combination of flavors that create an intense and complex flavor profile. This blend is perfect for those who want to indulge in the taste of a premium cigar without the mess and hassle.
- Flavor Profile: Cigar Blend
- Nicotine Strength: 6mg
- Bottle Size: 60ml