For Vapers, the term e-liquid is very familiar. However, we must understand that within this
concept of vaper liquid, the dose of liquid nicotine with which we will feed our electronic cigarette
is included.
So, the amount of liquid nicotine that we will use in our electronic cigarette becomes a problem
to solve. It is not a good idea to apply this dose “by trial”, trying to guess the amount that seems
to satisfy us the most, since it is possible that we are wrong initially and we will not be able to use
the liquids that we have bought.
Let us remember that the use of the electronic cigarette entails, among other purposes, that of
stopping consuming a little more than 7000 chemical compounds present in traditional cigarettes,
but also progressively reducing the consumption of nicotine. Then it’s time to add math to the
matter. Let’s see how to calculate the dose of liquid nicotine in your electronic cigarette. Suppose
you are a new Vaper.
Until now, you have smoked a pack of Marlboros a day. We know, because we have already
consulted it, that a Marlboro Classic cigarette has a nicotine content of 1.1 mg, so we quickly
deduce that the pack of 20 cigarettes you currently consume has a content of 22 mg.
This is already a big step forward. We have already established the nicotine content that your
body is used to on a daily basis. Two clarifications are worth making. The example is for the
Marlboro Classic only. Other varieties or versions of the same brand, and of course other brands,
have different contents.
To know exactly the nicotine content of the cigarettes you consume, you must previously consult
the table that is published on various sites, including that of the World Health Organization. It is
also appropriate to clarify that, if you do not consume a daily pack, but only 14, 12 or 10 cigarettes,
you must, in addition to consulting the respective table, do the mathematical rule of three.
Continuing with our example, a regular smoker of a pack of classic Marlboro, who consumes 22
milligrams of nicotine daily, would have to make his mix applying those same 22 milligrams of
liquid nicotine . However, as the idea will always be to reduce consumption, this theoretical Vaper
should use a liquid with 18 mg nicotine, and gradually reduce it each month.
NOTE: These indications are for low power vapers or PODs, if you choose a high power vape,
the maximum recommended dose of nicotine is 3mg or 6mg maximum.
Errors that are made with the dose of liquid nicotine.
So let’s say you bought a 20ml 18mg nicotine e-liquid. That means that each milliliter contains 18
milligrams of nicotine, which makes you think, at first glance, that you have already lowered your
consumption from 22 to 18 mg of nicotine.
But if you use 2 milligrams per day, because for some reason you think or feel that the effect is
not the same, you would be consuming 36 milligrams per day, with which you would be ostensibly
increasing your daily nicotine consumption, which goes against the purpose of the electronic
cigarette use.
How to fix them?
Sometimes, that perception of lack of flavor or effect is nothing more than a psychological charade
played by your brain. If you want to go from 22 to 18, then don’t use 1mg daily of 18, but 3ml of
6mg, which gives you the 18 you need, provisionally, and gives you the opportunity to load three
times a day, so your brain does not think that the cigarette does not taste like anything. In
Before you buy your liquid nicotine dosages , you should know exactly how much you are currently
consuming. To do this you must consult the nicotine content table of each brand, which
incidentally also informs you about the tar content and then apply the proposed mathematical
You should always budget your consumption so that it is lower than what you have at the moment
and gradually reduce it. Finally, we recommend you as a novice vaper, that it is better that you do
several liquid refills a day, with low nicotine content, than just one with the total of the day.
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